Getting your home ready for the market can be overwhelming for some home sellers. There are some quick and cost efficient ways that will bring value and make your home show better and here are a few:

  • The “lighter and brighter the better” home buyers are drawn to bright and light living rooms. This may sound obvious for some but there is always some home sellers that don’t get the message. Have curtains or blinds that are user friendly for agents and potential home shoppers. If the color of your walls are dark you may want them painted a lighter color when listing.
  • Store away clutter and unused items.  If you have a room that is bursting at the seams and is hard to walk through its a good sign you need to pack away these items. Make sure that every room is easily accessible and maximize any potential image of its size. Also make sure there is a “nice flow” from room to room and avoid any oversized tables or furniture pieces.
  • Paint any weathered patios and wood decks. Has your patio seen better days and look washed and worn out. This is easy and quick fix that shouldn’t cost much.
  • Stain old kitchen cabinets instead of replacing them. Is your kitchen dated and it needs some sprucing up, well depending on your cabinetry you may be able to stain them and change out the handles. Be sure and do your homework but if this is an option you could save thousands.